Our Vision

As abiding disciples of Jesus Christ
we desire to live fruitful lives
so our God is seen for who He really is


No matter where you are in your journey with God, you are very welcome at any of our services or events! Our motto is, "There's always room for one more." Please come along and let us get to know you!


We're a community of people (more a family really) who share the belief that life's greatest joy is to know God and be known by God. He's give us freedom from the past, purpose for the now and hope for the future. We've still got much to learn and are more than happy for others to join us in that journey!

Our Values

As we’ve reflected on the teachings of Jesus, there are a few things that stand out to us. These things we value. We may not yet fully reflect all of them, but we are committed to allowing the Holy Spirit to continue perfecting us in every way.

Loving God. Loving People.

Our Pastoral Team


Oliver Crispin

Campus Pastor -Hurstbridge


Aaron McKenzie

Youth & Young Adults Pastor


Coming Soon...

Director of Operations


Want to worship with us?

Visit one of our campuses on a Sunday, or contact our office for more information!

(03) 9431 1115