You will surface Pt.5

The Vine Baptist Church StaffFeatured, From Stewart

Dragging myself from the surf on the Central New South Wales coast, I was surprised to see a panic-stricken woman running towards me. In broken English she pointed at her Uncle about twenty metres off shore and obviously in deep trouble.

At the time I was serving on the Board of Christian Surfers’ International and had felt that it was time – after a twenty-five year break – to reacquaint myself with the joys of surfing. I admit that it was much harder than I had remembered and – somewhat exhausted – I truly wondered if I was in any shape to assist.

Regardless, I turned the board around and paddled back out. By God’s grace I soon reached the terrified man. As soon as I did, I knew I needed to give him repeated assurances; “It’s alright”, “I’ve got you”, “just hang on to the board”, “take a rest”, “catch your breath”, “you’re okay now”, “I’ll get you back to shore”, “it won’t take long”, “I’m not going to let you go”.

I still recall how packed the beach was that day. Even in the water it was quite crowded but still, no-one had noticed this man. Unable to get anyone’s attention, it was his observant niece that had alerted me.

Strangely, the Christian walk can often be this way. We can frequently feel alone, unnoticed, just struggling to stay afloat. Addressing this reality, Peter reassures the believers that our Heavenly Father, the God of all grace see’s you and know’s you! It’s going to be okay, his rescue is already underway!

And the God of all grace, who called you to his eternal glory in Christ, after you have suffered a little while, will himself restore you and make you strong, firm and steadfast. – 1 Peter 5:10

To comprehend the nature of his rescue, we need to understand what it means to share in his eternal glory. God is already seen and known beyond all limits of space and time and as God lives within us, his eternal glory is also ours. We are seen and known even as He is seen and known.

I have given them the glory that you gave me, that they may be one as we are one — I in them and you in me” – John 17:22-23a

“…this mystery, which is Christ in you, the hope of glory.” – Colossians 1:27b

This is not something he will call us to… He already has! Don’t worry that not everyone acknowledges this or that even we are yet to see it’s full outworking. Paul explains that whilst the creation is awaiting (in eager expectation) for us to be fully revealed, nonetheless it is already a done deal. Look at how Romans 8 describes our current state:

  • v.15 We have already received the Spirit of sonship
  • v.16 The Holy Spirit testifies with our spirit that this is so
  • v.17 In fact, we are already heirs of God and co-heirs with Christ


  • v.23 We even have the first-fruits of this through the Holy Spirit. We’re simply awaiting for the completion of our adoption (the legalities of which are already finalised, just the reunion needs to take place) which will happen at the redemption of our bodies.

God know’s this and wants us to have the same confidence and security He does! He wants you and I to know what he knows; that He see’s you, He know’s you’re situation, He’s not only got you covered, He’s going to get you home!

Today, let him speak his reassurances over you; “It’s alright”, “I’ve got you”, “just hang on”, “take a rest”, “catch your breath”, “you’re okay now”, “I’ll get you home”, “it won’t take long”, “I’m not going to let you go”.