Current Services
We look forward to worshipping with you at our different Campuses & Services

Eltham Campus Services
9:30am service this Sunday on Zoom
(ID: 875 4030 8311; PW: 336669)
Join us at our corporate prayer meeting: 8:30-9:15am before each morning service. Contact the Office for more details
Eltham Christmas Carols
Join us from 4:30-7:30pm service this Sunday!

Hurstbridge Campus Services
9:30am service this Sunday on Zoom
(ID: 966 5130 0411 ; PW: 254108)
Hurstbridge Christmas Carols
Join us at 8pm on Friday 22nd Dec at Fergusons Paddock!
Christmas Services
Join us at either campus to celebrate the birth of Jesus!
Sunday 24th December:
9:30am @ Eltham and Hurstbridge
Christmas Day (Monday):
9:30am @ Eltham and Hurstbridge

.Connect with us
Email or call the Church Office if you have any questions about our upcoming Services....
Online Services
Want to revisit a service? All previous Services accessible here:
Kid's Resources
Connection Point
Need a hand? or able to give a helping-hand? Let us know of either a need or a desire to help out in practical ways here
Welcome to The Vine Baptist Church
As passionate disciples of Jesus Christ, we desire to live fruitful lives so our God is seen for who He really is. Come join our community (more like a family), as we grow and learn about God together!
Worship With Us
Sundays at 9:30AM
50 Graysharps Road
Hurstbridge 3099
Sundays at 9:30AM and 4PM
43 - 49 Nyora Road
Eltham 3095
Ministry Highlights

Through prayer, we enter into deeper relationship with God, being changed by the Holy Spirit more and more into the likeness of Jesus. We would love to see you at one of our prayer gatherings! More →
Growth Groups
It's one thing to connect with us at a Sunday worship service, but there's something special about the intimacy of a smaller gathering. Our Growth Groups are home-based small groups focused on scripture, prayer, and pastoral care. More →Podcasts
Catch up or revisit sermons here. There's always plenty to learn and grow from God's Word!